Since I am now in seminary I have realized that I live in two worlds. You can see the evidence of this by the title of this particular blog. It is a line from a Jars of Clay song as well as a Bob Dylan song. This so I can appeal to the mass audience that this reaches.
So, apparently California is confused by what is falling from the sky. They refer to it is as, "a chemical reaction when 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen are united."
Also known as rain.
I was in a coffee shop the other day, reading, and I overheard this conversation between two fellow patrons of the shop. For contexts sake it was light sprinkle. Annoying but that's about it.
Man: It sure is raining.
Woman: Yea, it's coming down.
M: I brought my umbrella today, I couldn't find it anywhere.
W: I know, I almost didn't want to come out today.
M: The school canceled after school tutoring in preparation for the rain.
It's funny to me, listening to a conversation like that. The way people deal with this weather reminds me of how people from the south react to the snow. Schools cancel, stores close, governments shutdown. It begins to look like a post-apocalyptic world.
Lets get to the point of this particular post. I am over the rain. Yes, mudslides are bad and people have to be evacuated. That does concern me. But, the most annoying thing is that my feet are constantly wet. Water seeps through my shoes, my socks get wet and my toes are cold. That is it. Am I that shallow? Not to shallow to make than pun, Hey-Yo!
I hope this finds you well and dry.