Well, my mom sent me a package the other day. First things first. My mom was never a person who sent packages. When I lived in Columbia she would wait for me to come home. I was lucky to get a card on my birthday. But, now that I live on the other side of the country and I live in the constant threat of mudslides, forest fires and the state breaking off and falling into the ocean, she warms up a bit.
When I was home for Xmas break, my parents framed my college diploma for Xmas. I was pumped, it looked super awesome and professional. When I hang that bad boy on my wall in Cali the ladies will flock. Why wouldn't they, it's a humanities degree from a small southeast bible college. They would be putty in my hands. So, to say the least I wanted it, but I did not really have space for it on the plane back. We decided we would mail it. Fast forward 2 months later, she tells me it is in the mail with some other little trinkets and such.
Imagine my surprise when the box is bigger than the apartment I live in. Seriously, I could stop paying rent and move in there, luckily it rarely rains in California so the sogginess is not a factor.
I opened it to find...Toilet Paper!! I know, nothing says, "Love You, Mom." like some two-ply. I continued to dig and I found a new quilt, sheets and pillowcases. Now, anonymous internet reader, you may be super psyched about new sheets, I was not. I was hoping for something real sweet like, the new Adidas Star Wars Series, Ken Burn's documentary on Baseball or a Flux-capacitor.
Man, was I wrong. I put those new sheets on my bed and I have never slept better in my life. Side-note: Did you guys know that sheet's come in more than one thread count? Me either, but as the old adage goes, the more the merrier, and in this case it is most definitely the case. Is it possible that I have a 1 million thread count? I'm new to the lingo, but my life is completely changed. If heaven has beds, my bed is somewhere in that ball park. It's smooth like butter, but welcoming like margarine.
In other news; I will be attending a taping of the Price is right. I will be blogging about, possibly from my BRAND NEW CAR!!! I'll keep you updated.