Friday, April 2, 2010

We're Brothers...

My brother is here.

Andrew is in my top 5 funniest people. He says and does things completely different from any other person I have ever met. His hand motions and insights into the world make me laugh.

When I asked my brother what it was he wanted to do before he came out he answered simply, "Chinese theatre and the Hollywood sign". These, in theory, are easy to accomplish. The theatre is the easiest. We drive to Hollywood BLVD, park, mission accomplished. The second is a little more difficult. Yes, of course, you can see it from many different places in LA. But, you can't really see it. I don't mean this in an existential way where sight is subject to the viewer and the object is up for debate. I mean that It is hard to get a picture of the thing. It is so far away!

Here's the problem.

You see it in the movies. Steven Spielberg zooms in on it and there it is. Done. The sign. Right there. You could almost touch it if you wanted to. Well, move here and try and touch it.

You can't, it is high up on a mountain with fences around it. Its like someone out there is pointing and laughing at your weak and feeble attempts.

Well, we did not let this "sign" get the best of us. We got it. "got it" I mean, we took a decent picture while standing at the observatory. The observatory is famous because of such films as Rebel without a cause and Charlie's Angels 2: Full Throttle.

In other news. I bought a new pair of shoes.

Star Wars Edition At-At. google it. You won't be sorry.

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