The Beach Boys in their infinite wisdom said, "I wish they all could be California girls". The only reason they can say that is because this state is impressive. You want everything to have California as the adjective. It was made to have songs written about it. If the United States of America were a high school and the states were the students, California would the popular Prom King or Queen. (If Fuller has taught me anything it's that I need to use more gender inclusive language.)
Spring Break has been great. I have done a whole lot of nothing with a few somethings sprinkled in. It has been good to catch my breath after a long, busy quarter. I have come to the conclusion that if all of my quarters are going to be as overwhelming as this most recent one than I may not be with everyone for to much longer. And technically, I may be writing some of the last words I ever write. My epitaph, if you will. This blog could be a countdown to my inevitable death. Years from now, when people are trying to figure out why I died they will read this blog and say, "Wow, he was super lame, materialistic and kinda full of himself."
Let's be honest, if I died next week, why would anyone years from now be researching my death? It would be an open and shut case. The worst episode of CSI ever. The dialogue for CSI:Seminary would look something like this:
2 agents looking over an obviously intelligent and strikingly handsome body.
Casey:His name is Matt Johnson. It's a shame he is dead, he is handsome man.
McGruff: What do you think happened?
Casey: It looks like seminary got the best of him.
McGruff: He never even knew it was coming.
Casey: Why do you say that McGruff?
McGruff: (removes sunglasses, with a single tear falling down his cheek) Because no one knows the time or the date.
Cue a song by the Who.
Ok maybe not the best pun in the world but I can't imagine CSI:Seminary would really be all that interesting. Just a lot of references to the Nazarite vow and the Feast of Booths.
I often wonder when my non-sensical, steam of consciousness style of blogging will get old but so far I am just having a blast. I hope you are as well readers!
Now, back to some semblance of seriousness. I start school again this monday. I am taking Gospels, Pentateuch and Insights into Cultural Understanding. I'm sure there will be some hijinks to be had in these classes and you will be the first ones to know my faithful WestCoastMatt readers.