Saturday, November 28, 2009


What is Thanksgiving really?

Food? Check.
Nap? Check.
Defeating the Death Star? Check.
Beer? Check
Nazis? Check

This was my first thanksgiving away from home. I had one of two emotions.

1. I spent my day swimming in my own tears.
2. I hate my family. No tears were shed over them.

Which statement is true? We may never know.
It's weird to not be with your family for a major holiday. I've heard people talk about it in some bohemian, enlightening way. I have seen movies with this premise but it always leads to some sweet adventure. I was hoping to stumble on some doubloons or meet the president.

Here is my schedule of the days events:
9:30am Feed the Homeless
11:30 IHOP for a garden omelet and whole wheat pancakes

1:15-3:30 Nap

3:45 Bathroom

4:00 Starwars- A New Hope
6:30 Barney's Beanery for T-dinner and Beer
9-1:30 A knights Tale and Swing Kids

I know what your thinking, it looks a lot like your family's thanksgiving. As I was having maybe the most un-traditional thanksgiving in my personal history, I thought about t-day.( I hate it when people call it that) Who says you have to eat turkey and stuffing? Who says your day cannot contain a garden omelet and destroying the death star? I think the Indians would hate the empire. In a way they did, the white man, but we know how that fight turned out.

All day I couldn't help but think back on growing up and the epic thanksgivings I had. At least they seemed big to a 12 year old. We would eat, and I mean eat, and nap and then see a movie. Sometimes Christmas themed movies other times violent themed. I think the key to a good holiday is an element of selfishness. Selfishness that can only truly exist in the company of your family.

Why else are people stressed during the holidays? Selfishness. It's the only time you can truly be yourself without being concerned with anyone else. I know, you love your family but not enough for them to have the last of the cranberry sauce. That's yours, you saw it first. But, that is your favorite part. Being with parents and siblings and reverting back to old habits.

That's what was missing. My dad wanting to eat ham, turkey, everything at 10:30 am. My mom not being ready until 1:30 or 2:00. The kids complaining about being hungry. When we would finally sit down and eat, all of us yelling over one another trying to get the other to laugh.

As much fun as having thanksgiving in a bar, I missed the chaos.

Thanksgiving, you elusive bastard.

1 comment:

  1. i think that your familia ate at the casa of my familia.
    without us.
